- Do you believe in the principle of hierarchy? 你相信等级制度原理吗?
- Soccer is the national sports obsession of the Chinese. 足球是一个迷住了中国人的全国性体育运动。
- The first of these limitations was the obsession of the Greek mind by the idea of the city as the ultimate state. 这些局限的第一项是希腊人在心理上把城邦作为国家的最终形式的成见。
- You Chinese majors all have the nasty habit or even obsession of textual authentication. 你们弄中国文学的,全有这个‘考据癖’的坏习气。
- Antagonism between residential culture and alien culture druid be avoided to prevent the obsession of ethnocentrism. 在这种场合应该避免把自文化和他文化相互对立,而陷于狭隘的本民族中心主义。
- Perhaps this obsession of the elder Bell was one of the reasons he married whom he did. 也许,老贝尔的这一执着爱好是促使他日后同成为自己妻子的人结婚的原因之一。
- This national objective has since become the obsession of officials at each level of the vast bureaucracy. 自那之后,在广大的各级官僚中这个年度目标已经成为一种官方的痴迷。
- Next use hue, saturation, value, size, and position to distinguish levels of hierarchy. 之后我们使用颜色、饱和度、值、尺寸和位置来区分层次结构中的每个层次。
- Beyond first-level child domains, additional layers of hierarchy may also be deployed. 除了第一级子域之外,还可以部署层次结构的其他层。
- It pointed out that relation mode could be organized by sequential traversal of hierarchy tree structure. 方法指出将层次树状结构顺序遍历,组织成为关系模式。
- The picture reveals a saddening phenomenon in our society that the obsession of money in some people has driven away the humanity in them. 这幅图片揭示了我们社会上存在的一种令人可悲的现象:一些人对金钱的痴迷已经让他们失去了人性!
- In a class society, however, the thought of hierarchy is actually dominant under the aegis of the hierarchy system. 不过 ,在阶级社会 ,等级思想在等级制度的支持下实际上是占优势的。
- This musical focuses on a beautiful soprano who becomes the obsession of a mysterious, disfigured musical genius who terrorizes the Paris Opera House. (一个被毁了容的音乐天才爱上貌美女高音的爱情悲剧。
- The "folder" model of branching usually requires you to have one extra level of hierarchy in your repository tree. 分支的“目录”模式通常需要你在你的库树中有一个额外的层级。
- Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamsters establish an order of hierarchy and so one hamster will be dominant over another. 多瓦夫坎贝尔俄罗斯仓鼠有一套自己的等级制度,在一个群体里,有一只处于领导地位。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- They instill in you the legacy of Confucianism, especially the values of hierarchy and hard work. 他们慢慢给你灌输儒家的传统思想,特别是等级和努力工作的价值。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。